Friday 19 April 2013

365 Days of Divergent- Day 1!

Okay, so I know the '365 Days of Divergent' was supposed to start March 21st 2013 and end March 21st 2014 (the release of the Divergent movie) but I never got the memo so I'm doing it later than everyone else. ;)

          Day #1- Declare a faction!

 I would definitely belong in Candor. Whenever I take a Faction Quiz online or whatever, I always get Candor. :) I'm much too outspoken to belong in Abnegation (not to mention selfish), I swear and argue too much to belong in Amity, I'm not smart enough for Erudite and I'm not brave enough for Dauntless. Plus, I hate when people lie, so I feel like Candor is the only faction where I'd belong.
It's almost as if everyone from the fandom hates Candor for some reason, but they're my favourite faction!
Let me know in the comments below which faction you belong in!

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