Saturday 27 April 2013

365 Days of Divergent- Day 10!

                 Day #10- Least Favourite Character

 Oh gosh this is a tough one... Drew? Nah, everyone picks him. Molly? Again, she's the classic character that everyone loves to hate. Honestly, those two characters are who everyone picks and they just have no depth to them; they're probably the worst written characters in the entire series.

And since I love Peter, and he's the leader of the trio of the hated, I have to pick....

Caleb Prior. 

Oh God, I've hated him since the beginning and the whole *SPOLER ALERT* betraying Tris thing just sent my loathe of him through the roof.
He's just so... UGH.

I hated that back in Abnegation he was always being so condescending to Tris and giving her dirty looks whenever he felt that she acted 'un-selflessly' or whatever. And then what does he do? Transfers to f*cking Erudite and lies to Susan and his parents and Tris and goes behind all their backs right back to Erudite.

I mean, come ON! His dad was all like "Don't worry. We won't let you be factionless you can be Abnegation again." But Caleb was all like "LOL JK I made it I just am secretly a spy for Jeanine like ya know YOLO!"

And then at Amity HQ he's like to Tris, "Hey so you're,Divergent right? What factions did you have aptitude for because Jeanine wants to know so she can use it against you later, but you can trust me 'cuz I'm your big bro, 'kay?"

And he lies to her AGAIN by saying he's going to a different Factionless group with Susan but he's actually going back to Erudite or whatever...... like waaaaaaht?


Okay so at first his character just annoyed the hell out of me, but then I just was so furious at his existence that he just made me RRRRRAAAAAGGGGGGEEEE!

-rant over-

365 Days of Divergent- Day 9!

                        Day #9 -Youtube Challenge!       
Pick a scene from Divergent that you want to see in the movie. Share the song you want playing in the background. (Try no to use 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons) 

OK so I'm terrible at doing this kind of thing, but I think the song 'Rebel Love Song' by Black Veil Brides is perfect for Fourtris and I think it would be cool played in the background for Four's fear landscape. I REALLY WANT TO SEE FOUR'S FEAR LANDSCAPE LIKE OMFG AHHHHHHH!
 Rebel Love Song- BVB               


Thursday 25 April 2013

365 Days of Divergent- Day 8!

    Day #8- A picture of Divergent in the store!

So I didn't get the chance to go to the store and take a picture but does this count? Ahaha it's an online store and that's mostly where I do all my shopping anyways. ;)

Wednesday 24 April 2013

365 Days of Divergent- Day 7!

                          Day #7- Pick a Random Quote!      

My friend is actually borrowing my copy of Divergent at the moment so I just went to Goodreads and scrolled down the quotes section; my mouse landed on...
  See you tomorrow!          

365 Days of Divergent- Day 6!

(sorry that I forgot to update yesterday, i've been super busy)

     Day #6- Draw a stick figure version of Four!

Unlike my friend, I lack drawing abilities (which is putting it charitably!)
So instead of drawing JUST Four, I made this comic instead....

Monday 22 April 2013

365 Days of Divergent- Day 5!

            Day #6- Favourite Quote!

Gosh this one was really hard considering I have like 300 favourite quotes from Divergent! But I eventually narrowed it down to my top three. ;)

1) “Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up.”  


2)  "People, I have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets. You believe you know them, that you understand them, but their motives are always hidden from you, buried in their own hearts. You will never know them, but sometimes you decide to trust them." 


 3) Veronica Roth"We're all right, you know,' he says quietly. 'You and me. Okay?' My chest aches, and I nod. 'Nothing else is all right.' His whisper tickles my cheek. 'But we are." 


(yeah technically #2 and #3 are from Insurgent but I don't care)



Sunday 21 April 2013

My Favourite Ships

So the other day, me and my friend were talking about who our favourite ships were in Divergent/Insurgent. 

Fernando & Christina
Okay seriously, Fernando had to be my favourite character in Insurgent. Even though he only existed for like, five chapters, he still was just so... UGH. He only flirted with Christina that one time and then he had to go dropping his glasses and getting shot within a matter of seconds.
But seriously. I love them together.
Peter & Tris
I know, I know. But leave me alone; it's my guilty pleasure OTP. I just feel like Peter has got this idea in his head that being on top is all that matters and he doesn't have time for feelings. But it's almost as if him and Tris got together she could teach him how to be human again. I'm sorry but ever since he rescued her from the Erudite I just ship them so hard.
 Eric & Tori
I've literally been called the spawn of Satan for shipping them but I'm not even sorry.
Tris & Tobias
 Lynn & Marlene
If they both hadn't died, this so would've happened.

                                             *NONE OF THE IMAGES BELONG TO ME*

365 Days of Divergent- Day 4!

       Day #4- Predict the Title of the Third Book!

Since I'm doing this late, the new title has already been released: Allgeiant.
But before it was released, I thought it might be called Emergent because they were emerging out of their city and into the real world. Plus the acronym for all three books would be "D.I.E." (which would be accurate since Veronica Roth seems to kill all my favourite characters!) 

Saturday 20 April 2013

365 Days of Divergent- Day 3!

         Day #3- Favourite Character?

                                              (^^shut up little red squiggly line, I'm Canadian)
This was a hard choice between Tobias, Peter and Jeanine, but I think it's.... still a three way tie. >_< 

Okay, I know a lot of people will be like "What the heck??! Peter and Jeanine??" But I love them because they're such interesting characters. 

Peter is just.... asdfghjkl. I've loved him since he almost threw Tris into the Chasm during Initiation because he is such a Cato in my eyes. He obviously has a twisted way of thinking, which just makes him that more amazing.

Jeanine is a lot like Tris: she even says it in the book. Not just in looks, but in her persistence, too. She obviously is a bit unstable, but I think those characters are the best.

And Tobias.... well....... omfgheisjustsoperfectineverywayA.K.A.he'sperfectlyimperfectandhe'snotevensupposedtobehotit'sjusthispersonalitythat'ssohotandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahIlovewhotheycastasFour.
Sorry, just had to fangirl over Theo James for a second. ;D


Friday 19 April 2013

365 Days of Divergent- Day 2!

                          Day #2- iTunes Challenge!

From your Playlists > 25 Most Played > 4th song. Share the song and who you think best represents in Divergent.

Let Her Go- Passenger

Okay so this was kind of hard because I didn't just want to say Tris and Tobias because that's just what everyone else does. But honestly, this song is perfect for them. 
 ~Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go

Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last
But dreams come slow and they go so fast
You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day you'll understand why
Everything you touch, oh it dies

But you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go

Staring at the ceiling in the dark
Same old empty feeling in your heart
'Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast
Well you see her when you fall asleep
But never to touch and never to keep
'Cause you loved her too much and you dive too deep

And it goes on like that for another three verses or so. :) I guess this could be a good song for Uriah and Marlene too, but I think it's great for Fourtris! :D

Talk to you guys tomorrow!

365 Days of Divergent- Day 1!

Okay, so I know the '365 Days of Divergent' was supposed to start March 21st 2013 and end March 21st 2014 (the release of the Divergent movie) but I never got the memo so I'm doing it later than everyone else. ;)

          Day #1- Declare a faction!

 I would definitely belong in Candor. Whenever I take a Faction Quiz online or whatever, I always get Candor. :) I'm much too outspoken to belong in Abnegation (not to mention selfish), I swear and argue too much to belong in Amity, I'm not smart enough for Erudite and I'm not brave enough for Dauntless. Plus, I hate when people lie, so I feel like Candor is the only faction where I'd belong.
It's almost as if everyone from the fandom hates Candor for some reason, but they're my favourite faction!
Let me know in the comments below which faction you belong in!